Talk about a tease! You post about your middle of the night sexy sexness and then go on a tangent about horrible warts - *shudder*. That poor girl. If that happened to me I'd kill myself.
I haven't been 100% truthful about the complete lack of action in my life. Last Friday I went to see Nice Bee, and once we got past the bad kissing things were all right. (I've given up trying to kiss him back. He just overrides my attempts to make the kissing good so now I just stand there with what must look like a distracted grimace on my face quite literally doing nothing while he kisses me... hot! Not.) I'm not sure how many details people want on the whole kinkiness business... so I'll assume not many... but anyway he combined the sex with the kininess to make it halfway decent sex. (As in, lasted approx five minutes - a four minute improvement, and I didn't have to ask him to have sex with me - he took the initiative this time. Thank Christ).
So, pro: Five minutes worth of kinky sex.
Con: His phone rang right at the crucial moment which was really distracting and annoying, and what's worse he was getting me off the next day and the same thing happened again right at the crucial moment.
But, can't complain.
(But is this blog really about political correctness? Or is it our blog and I can whinge if I want to?)
Well, maybe I'll unleash a tirade of whinging next post. Right now I'd better get back to work.

Dec 1, 2006
Mused by
Agent Z
12/01/2006 01:36:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. let-downs, not quite right, ranting, sexy sex
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1 comment:
Its our blog and you can whinge, bitch, moan, (and moan some more) but others may whinge with you
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