The next day at work, Hub-bee reveals to me that he actually had a grand plan for the previous evening. See I'd been quite vocal in the fact that I didn't feel we'd gotten enough sleep, and I was really tired and looking forward to an early night. So he didn't like his sexy-time chances at the start of bedtime, he had a good feeling he would be rebuffed if he made a move (which was true).
So he had a really big glass of water right before he got into bed, thinking that his bladder would wake him in the middle of the night, and he could go for the midnight tap.
This venture is not without risk however, if he goes in too early, and I haven't rested enough, I will still likely rebuff him. Even though I do quite like sex in the middle of the night when you don't really talk and its all groping and groggy arousal. Alternatively, if he goes too late, I will also be annoyed if I can't get back to sleep.
So Sunday night there was a golden 4 hour window where he would be sweet. (most nights the window is only an hour, two max)
Unfortunately his bladder foiled him, and he didn't wake up. LOL
I felt sorry for the poor bugger.
Quick question for partnered ladies {sorry Dating-Agent :( }How many times do you reckon you do it in a month,ie in a 30 day time frame?
I reckon we do it about 8-10 times a month.
[sometimes we'll do it almost every day for a week, but there's at least one week in a month where we don't do it at all, and one week where I've "got the painters in", leaving one week when we'll do it sporadically]
What about you guys?
Totally ingenious and if I didn't think he might get funny about it I'd c ongratulate Hub Bee on his fabulous plan with pat on back and an A for effort.
I'm sure he'd giggle if you did.
And then give me The Eye.
Yes..about the hive they MUST NOT KNOW!!!
I was tempted to reveal musings about my explosive cum/lack of swallowing prowess story myself, then I thought the better of it when I realised I'd have to explain how other people knew of this story......hee hee.
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