Only two months over due. BUT I might say, as a married lady, it is handy to have a set of sexy undies not previously seen before when you're feeling a bit randy and your Hub-bee asks for an impromptu strip show.
Not feeling super confident in the strip show idea to begin with, at least I was able to reveal something a little bit special to distract in case my performance was less than stellar.
I might add, I had a wax yesterday (coincidence) and I would NOT advise having sexy time on the same day! Pain! Sort of horrid red raw rash thing on one side. You also shouldn't sweat just after a wax as sweat can get into your pores while they're still open and makes pimpley things. Ew.
I actually thought I was going to have the worst NYE ever this year. We committed early on to going to a house party being held by Tall-Hunky-Groomsman-Bee's Fiancee (get that?) and we discovered on the day of the party that we would be one of about 6 couples in attendance. Hmmm.....
One of said couples, when they drink, are torturously irritating.
THREE of said six couples are part of the "footy crowd" and when we got married we made a hard decision not to invite them to the wedding (remember those couples?) and as such they have never forgiven us, extremely immature of them, and when in mixed company they have generally ignored us (noticeably).
We spent all day trying to figure out how to avoid the party or make excuses to leave.
Ideas included "Agent X pretends to pass out at 7pm and has to be taken home"
"ring before we go and say Agent X went too hard too early and has already passed out(at 5pm)"
"feign some sort of food poisoning after eating something"
"pretend we have another engagement that we've only just discovered"
"plead family commitments" (Mother-in-law actually suggested this one and said she would back us up if questioned)
Hub-bee wouldn't be put off though, feeling we really DID need to go and make the best of it. So I fortified myself with three bottles of champagne (I don't know who I was kidding with the third) and prepared myself to drink until the people became interesting.
In the end, thankfully, another couple we are friends with were there to chat with. One of the three unpleasant couples, the worst of them, did a no-show (wonder if we influenced that?) and the other two may have adopted my idea as we were all wonderfully soused. Midnight brought cheers, air kisses and a dip in the pool. A dip where myself and two other girls started taking our tops off to compare boobs then everyone taking our bottoms off for the hell of it.
I'm actually wondering now if any of the not so drunk people are remarking at how badly I acted...being quick to disapprove of anyone....
We also had a little preggy scare. They're rare when you're on the pill, but I have discovered, not impossible. We almost thought about being parents.
WHOA first re end comment, almost a bit too soon but may have been cool!
NYE sounds like it was definatly more eventful than we all thought!! I didn't do any boob comparisons lol
Also, Im glad I don't appear to be the only one who think he's tall and hunky.
oh no certainly not alone on that front Agent Y!
Hahahaha Well we certainly know who you mean so we must agree! LoL!
Nudy swimming? A night with nudy swimming is not a bad night. I went topless bathing at Coogee women's pool the other week (with a friend of mine from uni) and it was very liberating! Also my friend has lovely boobs, so good value perving lol.
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