Ummm......would you trust this to prevent unwanted little people?
Is it just me or does the US seem to have some really weird contraception?
Is it just me or does the US seem to have some really weird contraception?
Mused by
Agent X
1/09/2008 04:18:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. ~ Eek~, Freaky, not quite right
Ops forgot to reply to this... yes this is festy to the max hey?
We get them here too, I think it's a terrible idea - how does one come up with this?
uuerr. And did anyone else notice the sneaky addition of 'combined with a lose dose of hormones' IE, promoting it as a replacement to a pill, but you have to take the pill ANYWAY. Plus. You have to take it AS WELL!
I don't think its fest, so fas as I can see, just pointless and stupid...?
When oh when are they going to provide more options for male contraception? Why is it always the women shoving ridculous things up their women's bits? Not sexy!
Maybe it's guys inventing it? They look at the penis and think 'Hey, looks like women will put any old thing in their vagina hey? What's one more weird article to the list..'
just a thought.
PS I found a thing in the pharmacy the other day called 'instead' or somesuch. Its like a weird cup you use instead of a tampon. WTF???? Yeah, if I'm not comfortable with tampons, a weird bendy cup will be SO much better.....
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