Well, after having a discussion with a friend on a Saturday's retail therapy trip I came home to a phone call the Central Coast Bee didn't think it was working.
Basically it all seems to have gone pear shaped somewhere in between Sunday to Saturday, when he's decided he didn't want to be an arsehole but its too hard (with him living in the Central Coast, maybe fair enough) and he's been single too long (whatever the fuck that means.)
So I called Agent Z, who was insufferably bubbly due to a short interlude with her favourite homosexual.
'Dating Sucks' we decided, and that after decades of dating people still hadn't managed to come up with anything actually comforting or constructive to say on the point of being dumped (thanks to my mate Jac for that one, geeez!)
Well now I have no date for this wretched wedding, great one of my friends someone to spend thier whole lives with and I can't get past a wedding. DRAT.
I am choosing to be positive, taking comfort in the fact that although he dumped me he wasn't that great a kisser anyway, and that even though he's leaving in a month I'm still dating a bee who shall hense forth be called Great Kisser Bee, haha nuff said.
Bees out
** UPDATE **
Have made up for dumping by going out and having FANTASTIC date & shag with Great Kisser Bee.
Went to lovely Manly for lunch, had a lovely grilled barramundi, chips and salad (salad totally ruined by apperance of bug lodged in salad dressing dispenser, ew) followed by yummy Copenhagen Tropical Passionfruit icecream, wandered along the beach then home for 3 O's.
Ahh I love sundays.

Aug 5, 2007
My non boyfriend broke up with me
Mused by
Agent Y
8/05/2007 12:11:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland, dilemmas
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I think technically if they're a Non-Boyfriend then it's actually a Non-Breakup. It's more of a false start. Which is annoying and frustrating and confusing... but not quite as painful as being dumped (which usually means they've known you long enough to see you naked and find out lots of sordid secrets about you...)
And you have made a very salient point in that he wasn't a great kisser. In my opinion that's one of the basic minimum requirements for a long term relationship. You don't want to settle for a bad kisser, trust me.
Sorry about being so hyper on Saturday. Was a bit of a big day for me lol. I still haven't washed my arm yet.
Yes, I would probably have to agree that he wasn't 'my boyfriend' it was mostly just a convient tag used to convey information (and extract sympathy haha)
Yes, annoyingly enough I had a REALLY GOOD DREAM about him last night, but regarding the kissing am obviously well shod of him
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