I hope the text colour is acceptable I'm sorry but I couldn't read the last colour. I love the pic actually, the theme is quite opulent now..... LOL

Aug 31, 2007
Aug 20, 2007
Poll Results and New Layout
Poll results in people!!
Apprently 5 of us have an opinion on the best O position... I didn't even know there was five of us. Curious.
Also... I know I just updated the template but I just found this pic and went from there... let me know what you think, we can fiddle with the side bar colours etc. It's Dita Von Teese (bitch) FYI minus the naughty bits since I figured blogger would object.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
8/20/2007 10:06:00 PM
There is a good reason sprain rhymes with pain
Obviously there is (as there should be) a difference between pain gained by using those muscules which in Singledom have long remained doment, and pain gained by an actual sex sprain.
Hobbling around the office has generated some interest today with reaching for items become a bit of an exploration in pain , 'what have you been doing?' seems to be the red hot question, what can reply be issued without rousing suspision? 'I played a massive round of golf and perfected my backswing.'
Of course, that is ridiculous and would only work if I knew what that actually meant. The truth of the matter is, I have a sexy sex sprain.
Saturday night after being out on the town with GKBee we came home pissed and had a great sex session, during he flipped me over, and pinned my hands behind my back and did a bit of hair pulling.
HOTT HOTT at the time, but apprently not a position ones arm are conditioned to be in with another perons weight on top.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
8/20/2007 05:59:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, sexy sex
Aug 19, 2007
Well, I had the conversation I'd been avoiding with PVC.
Told him I had been planning to move to Melbourne, but would stay if he wanted me to stay. (Implication: he would quantify what we have as a relationship and things would become more serious - as much as I hate those words).
He said what I'd been dreading he'd say - that things would continue the same way if I chose to stay in Sydney. Which are not bad - but certainly not enough to relocate my 'dreams' for.
I realised later that I chose a bad time to bring this up as I was suffering PMT at the time. I started crying, arggghhhh, I couldn't believe how much of a girl I was being. (You won't commit to me?? Wahahahaha!!!!) He was nice to me, but god it was embarrassing.
Then there was awkwardness - should we keep seeing each other even though I'll be moving away in three months? We didn't really address this so much as have sex. Which was amazing. And yes I know that's really dysfunctional, but I'm comfortable with that.
At the end of it the consensus was yes, we should keep seeing each other, but now I don't know if I can do it.
But the sex...!
Aw, fuck.
Also I know my username has changed - I'm in the process of fiddling with my accounts.
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
8/19/2007 01:52:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland, dilemmas, embarrassment, let-downs, not quite right, ranting
Aug 13, 2007
LMAO- when's she's *just not that into you*
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Mused by
Agent X
1 bees eaten
8/13/2007 12:44:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, misc
Aug 10, 2007
Aug 5, 2007
My non boyfriend broke up with me
Well, after having a discussion with a friend on a Saturday's retail therapy trip I came home to a phone call the Central Coast Bee didn't think it was working.
Basically it all seems to have gone pear shaped somewhere in between Sunday to Saturday, when he's decided he didn't want to be an arsehole but its too hard (with him living in the Central Coast, maybe fair enough) and he's been single too long (whatever the fuck that means.)
So I called Agent Z, who was insufferably bubbly due to a short interlude with her favourite homosexual.
'Dating Sucks' we decided, and that after decades of dating people still hadn't managed to come up with anything actually comforting or constructive to say on the point of being dumped (thanks to my mate Jac for that one, geeez!)
Well now I have no date for this wretched wedding, great one of my friends someone to spend thier whole lives with and I can't get past a wedding. DRAT.
I am choosing to be positive, taking comfort in the fact that although he dumped me he wasn't that great a kisser anyway, and that even though he's leaving in a month I'm still dating a bee who shall hense forth be called Great Kisser Bee, haha nuff said.
Bees out
** UPDATE **
Have made up for dumping by going out and having FANTASTIC date & shag with Great Kisser Bee.
Went to lovely Manly for lunch, had a lovely grilled barramundi, chips and salad (salad totally ruined by apperance of bug lodged in salad dressing dispenser, ew) followed by yummy Copenhagen Tropical Passionfruit icecream, wandered along the beach then home for 3 O's.
Ahh I love sundays.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
8/05/2007 12:11:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland, dilemmas
Aug 2, 2007
Weird Relationship Limbo
(cat girl)
I think the title says it all. What do you do when for all intents and purposes you are in a relationship... but at the same time you have no idea where you stand with that person, where it's going, what sort of boundaries there are... I mean the reason I've let all this go for so long is because I don't exactly approve of over-labelling everything, but there does come a point where you just want to know if someone is your goddamn boyfriend or not!!
I brought up the concept of me moving to Melbourne with PVC Bee. It went something like:
Me: "Don't suppose you want to move to Melbourne with me?"
Him: "Um... probably not."
Me: "Oh, ok."
Yeah, great discussion. Really constructive and helpful. Pfft.
Not to sound like a whingey pants, cos I do so enjoy the time I spend with PVC, and the sex just gets better... but still I feel that nothing about it is certain, and I'm just so tired of feeling like there's no point in getting close to someone because everything inevitably ends.
I mean, the last time I saw him, he was recovering from the flu. So I made dinner and brought it round and then had to spoon feed him (he wasn't really that sick, just enjoying the attention) and then I stayed the night where we held hands in our sleep... was really beautiful... and then in the morning it's all "see ya".
I'm confused :(
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
8/02/2007 10:04:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, dilemmas, not quite right, ranting