Noticed Agent Z's Dating Wonderland Post and thought it would be fun to share mine! (Bees should ALL, though potentially less of an exciting story with Agent X but oh well)
J: Single but sleeping with ex! OK with it but being pestered by ex who is attempting self destruction and insists on telling me all about it at inappropriate times... woo. Note: And the sex is always bad!
F: Have booked trip OS and looking forward to accented shagging all over the globe, no action(and not missing it!).
M: Same as F.
A: Embark on trip -avidly watching for appropriate menfolk (somewhat amateurishly due to extended relationship with ExBee) and attempt to avoid encounter with TourBee due to lack of interest on my behalf.
M: Decide what the hell, as TourBee is ALWAYS checking me out whenever I turn around and am also getting somewhat aroused by the attention! Encounters involve late night vodka fuelled pashing, waking up in a bed I don't remember getting to with most of my clothes off, vodka fuelled shenanigans indoors and outdoors and discovering at the last instance that if a guy seems to be exceptionally good at pleasuring a girl in non-penetrative ways, then after a while it may be a good bet he needs some nasal spray technology for his...'condition'. Still, guilt was probably the only drawback!
Was snogged by Hot German Bee mid month, annoyed at feeling guilty about TourBee and not enjoying it more! He was HOT dammit!
J: One night stand in extremely nice hotel, though was too drunk to remember most of the night and also was drunkenly aparty to a decision to stay in the one of a gazillion hotels that's aircon was broken. Yeeurch...... stupidly hot! Biggest regret - not being sober enough to remember to best part of the night! Was OK with returning to consciousness to find myself 'having' sex, but bummed when he didn't call me... 2nd regret, being too drunk for any contribution to the act! I have a slight feeling I wasn't the best lover in the world that night! D'oh. He was cute too! (and big nob!)
J: The beginning of The Drought. The Pining begins for DreamBee/BritishBee.
A: Spend hours dancing with/against SmallmouthBee(so named because of his annoyingly small mouth, how can you get into a pash if you feel like you're about to eat their whole face off?) A few pashes ensue. I run away without leaving my number, but then feel cold as it is now 6am and I am in the middle of a tent in a field with no warm body behind me, dang! Feel guilty about not devoting all attentions to DreamBee! (Weird, I know)
S: Awesome Continental holiday, attempt to crank it up with DreamBee, reverse effect is true and Bee turns to my friend instead, who instead of acknowledging months of my pining attempts to shack up with him herself. Bitch!
O: Excellent girls' night out plan to pick up goes to plan in record time, almost feel like I'm over DreamBee, renewed self confidence! Dating He Who Forgot His Phone who has an awesome set of abs in an irritating game playing fashion for a couple of weeks. Slightly awkward sex in the back of his car (luckily spacious), then peters out. Not too bummed as had a suprisingly small wang for someone so hot. Ahh the ways of the world.
N: Partying it up with Agents and SisterBees! Great for self confidence and fun times, no dating! Failed attempt to avoid being kissed by guy I danced with then us all being invited back to their hotel room for the night. They were suprised when we revealed that no, we weren't 'full keen' after all. We weren't! No loving at singles dance 4th Nov despite looking awesome - I think you'll hear me on that one Agents.....
(Meanwhile DreamBee & friend break up.)
D: Return to Wonderland and avoid topic of pining with DreamBee. Return to life as normal until DreamBee's trip away. The week after this I become aware of a subtle change - can it be true? Weirdnesses include actual meaningful looks (not imagined this time, like other occasions), and extra physical contact! (I of course noticed this as I could have almost listed the times physical contact occured previously! Partially due to rarity, and like I said, I was infatuated!) Plus a meeting at the pub that really felt like a date, especially considering that I was invited then bought drinks! Woo! Once home a nonspecific conversation about logistics of potential relationships ensued (much blurriness on my behalf due to consumption of 2 large glasses of wine (that's half a litre kids) and awkward but nice hugs.
End of the week arrives and its 100% obvious so no risk involved in making moves - woo! He had more positions up his sleeve that I've had hot dinners...certainly never expected that! Enter the week of honeymoon - then stupid Christmas and I am alone til New Years. Bring in the new year in style with a new man. Finally things were looking up....
So, that's caught up to now methinks!
Nuff about me, Agent what's going on with ArseholeBee? Good work with your determination to avoid him though, your efforts are admirable! No moral highground here since me & DreamBee is still a big fat secret....!

Jan 24, 2007
Dating Wonderland 06
Mused by
Agent Z
1/24/2007 08:26:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, No Lovin, Penis Size, sexy sex
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I give up - I thought that one would have my avatar on it?!
The only lame consession we have to make is the fact we have to post the avatar with our post *HUFF*
If I were smarter I could probably set up some kind of signature type business.
PS; agents we do have a photobucket account.
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