Right X, well talk at the party about traveling… Z are you coming? Bad Bee needs discussion!
Good work V, I think you’ve done well. Sampled a nice selection… missed out on Irish Bees though!
God, seems like the only thing more pitiful than thinking about your lame sex life is actually accounting it.
Jan; BFNYE05 pash converts himself from pash and dash to pash and see whats happens. Croatian Bee and I have a few dates, he had really hot upper arms. We make out in the car, but after a while there’s no use getting into anymore heavy petting (haha)due to silly little car.
End Jan; StandUp Bee reenters the scene, groveling. Dad is quite sick, I suppose I could blame it all on being a bit vulnerable but I still liked him so we start up on the road to no return.
After a considerable period of me being very suspicious, StandUp Bee and I float about for a while having some pseudo-relationship thing. We have sex, etc but only as dirty weekend or in the car (or park) (AHA! Obviously something’s not right! All signs ignored)
March; pine for gorgeous Queensland Bee, I met at the fiddler and sustain text flirting and we never really manage to have anything (essentially because he has a child and lives in QLD), but he’s sooo pretty.
April; all fairly uneventful, still persisting with StandUp Bee but manage kissing Inappropriate Bee.
August; Ignore amoral kiss merrily, until StandUp Bee lives up to his namesake and stands me up for a date without any notice. For the second time, lying motherfucker.
September; Drought. Not wishing to see, well people really.
October; Continuance of Drought. Now moved onto abject jaded glibness, which is SO attractive.
November; semi interested crush on Peirced/Tattooed Bee, only to peter out. Merry partying with Agents, weeeeee. Fun encounter with Cousin Bees, should have snogged my bee… why not? WHY! Exchanged for lame hand holding and strange intimacy. Pretty dresses and flowers, myth about bridesmaid beating men off with sticks only impeded by lack of single blokes.
December; semi-crush of convenience on Paintball Bee, really not my type. But good arms, again with my down fall the arms.
NYE; drink enough grog to slow an elephant and pash random EminemWigga Bee.

Jan 25, 2007
On the band wagon
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/25/2007 11:46:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland
Lady Bees
Lol hilarious. You've had a very full year!! You need to do something about your font size too, it should be set to normal.
And your avatar is cool!!! You need to insert it as a pic in each post though.
I didn't know you had back of the car sex with Phone Bee. He was such a waste of your time *huff*
Mused by
Agent X
1 bees eaten
1/25/2007 12:59:00 PM
Jan 24, 2007
Dating Wonderland 06
Noticed Agent Z's Dating Wonderland Post and thought it would be fun to share mine! (Bees should ALL, though potentially less of an exciting story with Agent X but oh well)
J: Single but sleeping with ex! OK with it but being pestered by ex who is attempting self destruction and insists on telling me all about it at inappropriate times... woo. Note: And the sex is always bad!
F: Have booked trip OS and looking forward to accented shagging all over the globe, no action(and not missing it!).
M: Same as F.
A: Embark on trip -avidly watching for appropriate menfolk (somewhat amateurishly due to extended relationship with ExBee) and attempt to avoid encounter with TourBee due to lack of interest on my behalf.
M: Decide what the hell, as TourBee is ALWAYS checking me out whenever I turn around and am also getting somewhat aroused by the attention! Encounters involve late night vodka fuelled pashing, waking up in a bed I don't remember getting to with most of my clothes off, vodka fuelled shenanigans indoors and outdoors and discovering at the last instance that if a guy seems to be exceptionally good at pleasuring a girl in non-penetrative ways, then after a while it may be a good bet he needs some nasal spray technology for his...'condition'. Still, guilt was probably the only drawback!
Was snogged by Hot German Bee mid month, annoyed at feeling guilty about TourBee and not enjoying it more! He was HOT dammit!
J: One night stand in extremely nice hotel, though was too drunk to remember most of the night and also was drunkenly aparty to a decision to stay in the one of a gazillion hotels that's aircon was broken. Yeeurch...... stupidly hot! Biggest regret - not being sober enough to remember to best part of the night! Was OK with returning to consciousness to find myself 'having' sex, but bummed when he didn't call me... 2nd regret, being too drunk for any contribution to the act! I have a slight feeling I wasn't the best lover in the world that night! D'oh. He was cute too! (and big nob!)
J: The beginning of The Drought. The Pining begins for DreamBee/BritishBee.
A: Spend hours dancing with/against SmallmouthBee(so named because of his annoyingly small mouth, how can you get into a pash if you feel like you're about to eat their whole face off?) A few pashes ensue. I run away without leaving my number, but then feel cold as it is now 6am and I am in the middle of a tent in a field with no warm body behind me, dang! Feel guilty about not devoting all attentions to DreamBee! (Weird, I know)
S: Awesome Continental holiday, attempt to crank it up with DreamBee, reverse effect is true and Bee turns to my friend instead, who instead of acknowledging months of my pining attempts to shack up with him herself. Bitch!
O: Excellent girls' night out plan to pick up goes to plan in record time, almost feel like I'm over DreamBee, renewed self confidence! Dating He Who Forgot His Phone who has an awesome set of abs in an irritating game playing fashion for a couple of weeks. Slightly awkward sex in the back of his car (luckily spacious), then peters out. Not too bummed as had a suprisingly small wang for someone so hot. Ahh the ways of the world.
N: Partying it up with Agents and SisterBees! Great for self confidence and fun times, no dating! Failed attempt to avoid being kissed by guy I danced with then us all being invited back to their hotel room for the night. They were suprised when we revealed that no, we weren't 'full keen' after all. We weren't! No loving at singles dance 4th Nov despite looking awesome - I think you'll hear me on that one Agents.....
(Meanwhile DreamBee & friend break up.)
D: Return to Wonderland and avoid topic of pining with DreamBee. Return to life as normal until DreamBee's trip away. The week after this I become aware of a subtle change - can it be true? Weirdnesses include actual meaningful looks (not imagined this time, like other occasions), and extra physical contact! (I of course noticed this as I could have almost listed the times physical contact occured previously! Partially due to rarity, and like I said, I was infatuated!) Plus a meeting at the pub that really felt like a date, especially considering that I was invited then bought drinks! Woo! Once home a nonspecific conversation about logistics of potential relationships ensued (much blurriness on my behalf due to consumption of 2 large glasses of wine (that's half a litre kids) and awkward but nice hugs.
End of the week arrives and its 100% obvious so no risk involved in making moves - woo! He had more positions up his sleeve that I've had hot dinners...certainly never expected that! Enter the week of honeymoon - then stupid Christmas and I am alone til New Years. Bring in the new year in style with a new man. Finally things were looking up....
So, that's caught up to now methinks!
Nuff about me, Agent what's going on with ArseholeBee? Good work with your determination to avoid him though, your efforts are admirable! No moral highground here since me & DreamBee is still a big fat secret....!
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/24/2007 08:26:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, No Lovin, Penis Size, sexy sex
Jan 23, 2007
Travel travel
I'm not quite sure what you're saying there Y, Are you advocating living in sex or not? It's working for us I guess.
Travel! We are interested in travel this year (yeah good work on the notice-23rd of January!)
We're not really sure where we can afford yet either, I'd really love to go to Italy but I haven't consulted Catholic Bee. We were wanting to go to the snow this year too, but that's a separate thing altogether really and not worth mentioning.... hehehe
We can chat at Housewarming about it I guess!
Bad Bee! Oh you Agent you. I'm glad you took sister bee though, to prevent any shenannigans from occuring. I think he's an asshole actually for stringing you along, you know he's only doing it to make himself feel better about his shitty relationship. He knows it doesn't HELP YOU at all calling every few months to torment you.
I propose renaming him Asshole Bee.
That is all.
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/23/2007 08:46:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. HOLIDAYS, Oh so wrong but oh so right
Jan 22, 2007
To Bee or not to Bee
Bad Bee is Back.
Oh no!
But oh yes.
Don't worry have not shagged him yet. He invited me over for steak dinner so I brought my sister along who is like my chaperone/conscience/contraception. Steak was freaking amazing. Had forgotten how that Bee could cook.
It's like... I always manage to successfully fuck him off... but not quite. It doesn't help that I'm desperately in love with him. No lovin, I'm in the Sahara desert of no lovin, and there he is, my never ending fountain of lovin, but of course a mirage because he's still with his goddamn crack whore of a girlfriend.
That's all, thought I'd share.
Also can't afford to travel this year. Would love to, but am going back to student life. I think I had a good reason why but I can't think of it right now.
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/22/2007 10:17:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. dilemmas, No Lovin, Oh so wrong but oh so right, ranting
Welcome to the future
Well theres my little avatar contribution.
Perhaps you might notice the sneaky (ok not so sneaky if you know what you're looking at) hint.
I think any kind of being together and not having sex is a bit of a drag,
I mean come home, cook dinner, have sex, have dinner, have sex, watch telly, have sex, have a shower go to sleep... surely?
Seems like not eh... well if I can have little more sex than what Im getting now why am I bothering?
I suppose if you're jilling off you know what to expect.
NOW on a serious note,
I'm looking at doing some travel this year. I know it's a bit of short notice. Please express intrest to me on the following if anyone is interested, (Hey V, let me know if you were still into Eygpt)
- Eygpt
- NZ (LOTR tour?)
- UK (possibly off the cards due to expense :-( ) Thankyou for your time.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/22/2007 09:18:00 PM
Agent Confusion
Hahaha I think I have JUST got a handle on who is who LOL. Maybe if we start each of our posts with our pic (Hello if two of you would GET a pic) about this size we could see who is who readily. That aside I always post in the same format (this colour) so maybe you bitches should choose a colour and stick with it.
And Agent (I can't remember) Way to go with Dream Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Condoms lol. Grab a girlie mag, some tampons and icecream and you're set for the checkout!
We're having great sex. Sporadically, but good when it happens. There's a bigger sense of disappointment I think though once you've tied the knot when one isn't into it? Hmmmm
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/22/2007 10:07:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, embarrassment, sexy sex
Jan 20, 2007
Topic; Confusion, subcategory; sex
In my case confusion has manifested itself in 2 ways.
Confusuion of Men.
Is it that we’re projecting our horny little requirements onto men, or are we programmed to think men want sex all the time?
Is it a question of balance or personal preference?
Too much sex too soon, no sex too soon, bad sex too soon, good sex turning to bad sex too soon, bad sex not turning to good sex soon enough.
I know in your situation Agent V, I would be thinking ‘Did we have too much sex, and have fizzled out?’ OR something silly like ‘What if he doesn’t fancy me?’
Hmm, more information required here I think – have you tried to initiate non-weekend sex? Demanded it, whilst ripping his shirt off with one hand and unfastening his belt with the other?
Confusion of Agent.
Call me not very bright, call me slow on the uptake but as it stands our anonymity has left me flicking through a little notepad every time someone posts to work out who is who.
We need a key I think, like a blogging decoder ring – because I thought Agent V from last post was Agent X. ARGH!
PS; who the hell is DreamBee and when did you ‘move in’???
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/20/2007 04:10:00 PM
They made me write stuff here
Yes I understand about the irritations of perserverance, sometimes you wish you had those precious minutes of your life back again don't you!
BFPNYE05 - LMAO at the name. The classic 'funny because it's true'......heeeeee chuckle.
And now news of the more bee variety. Must vent - have shacked up with Bee of Dreams who has passed from the first honeymoon style phase (ie.... as much sex as I want) and now into a grey horrid netherworld of many years of marriage (ie.... save it for the weekend...wtf??!) which I take it is as much sex as he wants???? I'm lost.. I thought all guys ever thought about was sex? dammit. Maybe the truth is that that's all WE think about and we have simply projected upon the menfolk?!
Who am I kidding!? Still every now and again there is an anomaly!
Grumble. How to approach. The other problem is that I think I may have scared him off in the first instance with enthusiasm and could potentially be in one of those 'don't touch me because we'll have to have sex then and I don't want to' sort of paradoxes where its all or nothing. And I just ain't a nothing kind of gal. I'm ok if I'm starved - be it food or money or sex. BUT if it's there for the taking, anyone who has had a packet of chips or timtams at same time as being near me will know that if it's there, I want it (and will probably stuff myself too)! You get the idea. Hence my grumbling. Luckily for myself when its on, I have NO complaints. But then. You can starve on gourmet food if you only get a little bit once in a while. I need Quantity as WELL as Quality dammit! Well well well I shouldn't complain but I just want it all. Also it would be handy to not have to sneak about but logistcally it is necessary for the moment.
Apart from my complaints whee for Illicit Beeifaction. Oh yeah and the bastard is going away for the week. I guess that means it back to sleeping with Lefty and Righty for the week.
Last point of the post: Buying condoms IS embarrassing. Can't do anything about it, it just IS. *sigh*
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/20/2007 03:49:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. embarrassment, ranting, sexy sex
Jan 18, 2007
Alleged Sister Bees
Haha, I mean YOUR sister you silly bee, and Agent Z's sister too.
Glad you like the colours :) Other, what say you?
Croatian (why, oh why! do I never use spell check) Non Verbal Bee was sooo last year Darhlinggg. I met him at Bacteria Foam Party NYE 05, obviously this was never going to reap a quality bee but he had really good shoulders… so…
We hooked up, and foolishly attempted to extend the shelf life of our fling. But he didn't speak. I tried, persevered with conversation, and he was well intentioned apparently just not very bright.
Not to mention, I had been projecting anxieties about being stood up from StandMeUp Bee onto him which undoubtedly was going to doom things.
Plus fooling around in his little Nissan Pulsar was logistically unpleasant… so unless he rings me from Melbourne asking for bail from his Racial Affray charges I doubt he’ll be attending Boxing Day this year.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/18/2007 09:11:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. misc
Jan 17, 2007
Sister bees! I know not of the sister bees!!?????
Love this colour scheme. SO much.
hahahahah Croation (sic) Bee!!! hilarious. However do you find them? So a long and lasting romance to follwo then eh? He be at Christmas this year?
Well as you're all aware now (due to my insistent requests to add) that I am a myspace freak now too. I need a new job. *sigh*
Good news that I have an interview tomorrow though : ) yay!
Zogg if you happen to still be reading this blog against my advisement, that's a secret, please don't tell anyone.
: )
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/17/2007 03:08:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. misc
Jan 16, 2007
I believe that there are two sister bees in the wings, just waiting to be let in.
So come on girls... where the bloody hell are you?
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/16/2007 08:03:00 PM
Yes friction burn... not good, second only to the notion of possibly activacting some sort of machinery and have my ass stampped into the shape of a car bonnet.
It's true.
We're involved in one giant, global orgy to which you're not invited to Agent X! BWAHAHA
It's somewhat addictive when you encounter a cool myspace blog... I wonder if GFYS has a myspace? *searches... nothing found *pout*
In other news - when watching the news last night, I caught a report about the Serbs and Croats fighting at the Australian Open... this was my internal monologue:
'Gee, look at all those silly boys, running about with their silly flags... hmm that guy looks familiar. Oh there he is again... HMM he is familiar looking. OH DEAR.'
Seems like Familiar looking Bee and Croation NonVerbal Bee (whom I tried to extend my NYE fling with from last year) were one in the same.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
1/16/2007 05:18:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. misc, Oh so wrong but oh so right
What what....???
I have just realised, I won't say discovered because thats not really the word I want now is it? That's why I said realised. I have just realised that I am the only Bee without a myspace! You're alll whoring around on myspace being friends without me!
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/16/2007 12:39:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. misc
As above. Ew. I thought that scene was gross! Apart from the hear-hear for the realism of her licking her hand in a nod to Yes, sex in a factory may not be the most ideal of locales for her, and friction burns down there are never fun. I thought ew ew ew. But that could be because I hate Brittany Murphy and her stupid slaggy looking mouth rather than anything.
Mused by
Agent Z
1 bees eaten
1/16/2007 02:37:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. not quite right, positions
Jan 15, 2007
Eminem is kinda hot...
Haha your post reminded me of that bit from 8 Mile where Eminem has sex with that chick in the middle of the factory. Does anyone remember that? It was really hot.
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/15/2007 07:31:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Oh so wrong but oh so right
Jan 14, 2007
Call me crazy
Firstly I commiserate with you Z, this plight you suffer is wide spread (haha spread, or not as the case may be)
Perhaps we can all scout candidates at our newly appointed Beeifaction??
Lets get this organized!
Now I gotta comment on my NYE action, a little late off the mark but I had to dedicate a bit of time for typing.
I went with a friend and her boyfriend, to a club in the city which was about three guys to one girl and consumed enough champagne and vodka to slow a rhino but to no effect (don’t you hate that!)
After dancing about for a while, I found someone suitable looking for NYE pash, we danced for a while, had afore mention snogging session we popped outside to get some air and a change of pashing scenery. After some unintelligible mumbling I worked out he was asking if I wanted to fuck him… there on bloody Hunter Street.
Call me crazy, perhaps all the Rob Zombie I’ve been listening to has softened my brain, but this isn’t my ideal locale, grimy city side street with someone who looked like a tall Eminem.
Well you get what you pay for I suppose lol.
Mused by
Agent Y
1 bees eaten
1/14/2007 10:12:00 PM
I am Agent Z, Hear Me Whinge
I just read Agent V’s post from way back – only just noticed it. And dude, I hear you. Being single is supposed to be fun, naughty, promiscuous. But after 12 months of very irregular lovin, (in the last year I had approximately five halfway decent shags, and they were mostly with Bad Bee), I find myself going out of my freakin lovin-deprived little mind.
It’s just a freak show out there. An utter, utter freakshow. And the more cheesed off I become with the whole ‘dating’ thing, the hornier I get!
My year in Dating Wonderland (summary form):
* Broke up with the Hopeless Tortured Artist Bee (he was on anti-depressants which meant he never wanted to shag and when he did he couldn’t get it up)
* Had stupid affair with Bad Bee (we would see each other about once a month, have incredible sex and then he would pretend it didn’t happen for another month until he got drunk again…)
* Shagged a girl, which really meant I got her off and then she rolled over and went to sleep, and I’m not willing to repeat owing to the fact I’m not a lesbian
* Had a one night stand with some (albeit good looking) random after speed dating. We had sex twice, amount of orgasms I had= zero.
* Met Nice Bee, and we all know about Nice Bee. (Now that I have broken it off with him I have been accused of running away because he was sick, which really wasn’t true. I was running away because he couldn’t kiss and the sex was shite.)
* Pashed Fat IT Bee at office Christmas party. Went on date with Fat IT Bee, thought maybe it could work. Had abortive sexual experience with Fat IT Bee. Told Fat IT Bee just wanted to be friends and got abused by text messages and emails. Fat IT Bee quits his job and deletes me from his myspace. Mature.
I mean, MY GOD, people.
I think the only option left, is to fork out a bit of cash and buy myself a decent vibrator. Like one of those fancy rabbit ones.
A purple one.
Bees out.
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/14/2007 11:46:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, let-downs, No Lovin, not quite right, ranting
Jan 11, 2007
Cryptic Bees
NOBODY knows........
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
1/11/2007 09:48:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. sexy sex
Jan 2, 2007
Hey hey, yes we've got resolutions too. Weight loss goals too. I've never really made a resolution before so don't know how successful we'll be. : ) Good luck to you!!! Have you got a strategy?
Any NYE action anyone? UK Bee?
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/02/2007 08:33:00 AM
New format
Bah! I'm not a fan. But that's because it's all Red and we know where I stand there.
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
1/02/2007 08:28:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. misc