for better > for worse
for richer > for poorer
in sickness > and in health.
The part about the sickness however sort of hinders the sexy sex.
As you all know, I have been horribly coughing for the last three weeks, which severly restricted bedtime action. We did it early on (in the lurge), and while it was good, I hacked all the way through it, then I got sicker and sicker and it just wasn't happening.
This week I've pretty much gotten over it all (yay!) and its been a small sex fest. Sex fest; for us, small; because its only a few times. LOL.
We had a great session Wednesday afternoon, Hub-bee walked in from work and it was ON. Hot. Hehehe.
Then again this morning, which was great, half awake action I reckon is fantastic. Hub-bee is going to Christian Music Festival (yes I know, Ew) all Long Weekend, which is when we usually have lots of action. We're such classic living-together couple. Too tired mostly, but on Long Weekends we'll frequently do it everyday, if not twice a day! So this morning was mostly to make up for the lack of weekend-time together, we had snuggles and sex, all in twenty-five minutes.
So, Fear not ladies!!! Yes the married crone is still getting action. There was just a small detour into- Infection-ville which prevented the Pork Sausage Picnic.

Sep 28, 2007
Marry me
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
9/28/2007 03:16:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. sexy sex
Sep 25, 2007
*sings* Blind date, ma-ma-mah Blind date!
These people who decide to 'introduce' (read 'set up') you to thier brother/cousin/ex boyfriends friends half brother, whatever.
Sitting at work today, when I get 'click'... look up looking bewildered etc, and one of the reps says 'I need a photo of you, for my brother. I've told him about you, and he wants a picture!'
To which I reply, in an oh-so-intelligent manner 'Ahhh'
'He's 26, tall, good looking, plays, rugby, owns his own house...' all this crap is sounding really appealing until then it dawns on me, and is also related to a loud mouthed woman who sets people up with thier brothers etc - BAD!
But as Sister Bee of Agent X, he might be a good lay? Huh well I suppose but that's boardering on shitting where one eats I think, and if nothing else this little blog excerise has taught us that is to be avoided at all costs (refer fat IT bee.)
Speaking of beebloggers, Agent X where are you? We know that my shag has just boarded a slow boat to bloody China, and Agent Billy is as last post suggests is having more sex and orgasms than one can poke a stick at.
Surely you are having hot martial sex on patio, stairwell or similar?
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
9/25/2007 07:05:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, misc, ranting
Sep 10, 2007
He's leaving on a jet plane, and I packed his bags
This is tantamount to packing his bags and saying "Goodbye nice guy I like, see you in one year (by which time I probably wont have met anyone anyway!)"
He's set to be gone by next week. NEXT WEEK!! Which leaves me totally emotionally unequipped for his leaving - of course execpt for the tiny fact I knew he was going in the first place.
So where does this all leave me? Well aside from sad because he's gone, angry at myself because I knew he was going - I guess ALSO SINGLE?
Mused by
Agent Y
1 bees eaten
9/10/2007 07:46:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland, dilemmas, ranting
Sep 3, 2007
More sex than you can poke a pointed stick at.
One weekend. Five orgasms.
I am in a mood to inflict gory details. (Now that we have a shiny new disclaimer, I'm going to personally ensure we get the most value out of it.)
#1. Tied to ceiling of PVC's balcony. (Hands cuffed together, rope wrapped around cuffs and attached to ceiling).
#2. In bed with PVC, after rope/balcony. I came purely from him touching my nipple. He has instituted awesome system whereby he tells me to cum... and it works. For real. Omg.
#3. Later in evening, after rousing walk around streets of Newtown for goth festival in full goth get up. (PVC dressed in his namesake, let me put makeup on him. Mascara, lipstick, the works. Men in vinyl and makeup... oh, man.) So anyway sex took place fully clothed, me in corset, him on top, and, miraculously, we came AT THE SAME TIME. This... is unheard of. For whom does this ever actually happen??? I nearly died both from sensory overload and disbelief.
#4. Next day. Watching fetish porn in bed on projector. (Yes, porn on a projector, it doesn't get much more OTT. Nerds - they are so great. Perverted and have an ability to install things correctly.) PVC gets himself off while fingering me. Added points for amazing multi-tasking skills on his part.
#5. Still in bed, about 20 minutes later. Decide one orgasm just wasn't enough. Ended up gyrating against PVC until I have, and I am not exaggerating, a screaming orgasm. I literally screamed. It was so intense that later in the day I was HOARSE. Slight pang of guilt re: PVC's sex deprived housemates. They always look so haggard when they see me around the house.
So, there you have it. I'm beside myself I'm so happy. Still plan to move away in November, but will deal with when come to I suppose.
Mused by
Agent Z
1 bees eaten
9/03/2007 09:53:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Good times, sexy sex