(Not this picture. Nothing wrong with a scantily-clad cat girl.)
I think I've reached the bottom. Today I found myself trawling through the obituaries section of smh.com to try and determine whether a love interest of mine had died. When you find yourself doing this, perhaps it is time to stop and evaluate. One can't help but be reminded of that line from that song:
"Don't be no fool when
Love really don't love you."
This is D-Bee. (Myspace guy, the one with the drug history, the one who caused all that shit with my aunt and her somewhat doubtful choice in father of her child. If anyone is confused, don't worry. I think I'm mostly writing this to myself).
After everything happened with my aunt and uncle, D-Bee sent me an email apologising profusely and saying that he hoped I could forgive him. He said not to worry, he wouldn't be going anywhere. This meant everything to me - to know that even though things were shitty I could at least I could rely on D-Bee to talk to.
This was over two weeks ago.
Since then he hasn't been online at all and hasn't responded to my email that bluntly asked him to let me know "yes" or "no" if we were talking anymore.
I don't have his phone number. I don't know where he lives. I don't know his last name. And yet I spoke with this person about every third night for hours (online) since the beginning of the year. We told each other some big, personal things. I felt, in some strange disconnected way, that I knew him, or at least I knew I wanted to know him. The night that the crap happened with my uncle D-Bee was talking about the possibility of meeting - which was huge for him considering the drug past (and associated complications), etc.
And now he has disappeared off the face of the planet and there's nothing I can do but look through the obituaries. And this is, like, EVERY obituary as I don't have his last name.
Is it too much to ask for my prospective dates to be mentally sound, not addicted to something, in possession of a driver's lisence and ALIVE???
Fucking hell.
p.s. Agent Y please let us know how RSVP goes. (Hopefully well!) I've heard it can work but due to my freak-magnetism I've given up on the internet.
I'll let you know if D-Bee ever turns up again. Preferably not in a body bag.

Mar 25, 2007
What's wrong with this picture?
Mused by
Agent Z
3/25/2007 03:35:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, Dating Wonderland, dilemmas, Freaky, let-downs, No Lovin, not quite right, Online Dating, ranting
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1 comment:
oh goodness, so still no word. thats intense dude.
Perhaps if you are simply at a stage you are concerned for his safety ans just want an answer you could ask Uncle-Bee or Goth-Aunt-butterfly to find out just that he's ok?
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