Feb 15, 2007


Card. Expensive Lingerie. Dinner. Wine. Champagne.
Nice Restaurant. Holding hands. Chocolate. Sex.
What's missing!? Could it be the orgasm? Could it? Could it????? I, I, I think it is!!!

Holy macaroni! I know the cardinal rule is not to mention dissatisfaction whilst you're still actually IN bed, but the point is, if I've actually pointed it out, I want the situation fixed! Pah. Can't remember after that. Must have fallen asleep. Much frustration. I guess thats why everyone hates Valentines day!! Mine was moments away from being 100% perfect! And instead I am super grumpy-girl today. I woke up and DreamBee looks at me and says - are you still mad at me? With puppy dog eyes. The problem is I'm not mad, I'm..? I don't know! But it ain't good. Grumble. Big grumble.

In other news, how was the warming?

x Agent Vee for Valentines' Vipes

PS I forgot to mention that the good morning blow-job means that he came twice in one day whilst I am still out of commission. Perhaps that is adding to my grumbles? I think Yes.


Agent X said...

Gor! He got morning blow job and you still didn't get the happy ending? Bastardo!

Otherwise your V day sounded Fabo! Lots of showering of gifts!

Agent Z said...

it's true! I was moments away from 100% perfect! I got a suprise card in my handbag and everything!!! So Sweet! Maybe he thought he was finished for the day? I have to say though I think that is a the problem with sexy undies+suspenders+stockings etc. They just get too excited!!!!!