May 8, 2010

North America - check!

I'm in a sharing mood! I only have one continent to go I think!

In order of appearance:
South America - check
Australia - check
Europe - check
Africa - check
North America - check!

Only Asia to go! LOL. My thing for accents is getting out of hand!?


I also had the amusing experience of saying 'you don't remember my name do you?' hahahahaha.

Feb 1, 2010

Sexy dreams? About someone else?

On a scale of 1-10 how inappropriate is it to have a sexy dream about a co-worker?

And if you know said co-worker's wife/husband/partner, how inappropriate is it to tell their partner (to have a giggle about it)??? It seems wildly inappropriate to mention it to anyone else.

Or is it simply wildly inappropriate entirely!?!?