Does anyone else look at the Oscars, and wonder whether people do inappropriate things with the statuettes when they get home? They kind of look like they would be ok for that sort of caper, as compared to say, this

Feb 27, 2008
Oscar time
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/27/2008 02:03:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, misc, not quite right
Feb 18, 2008
V-Day is always craptacular
I always find my Valentine’s Day totally void of romanticism like some kind of cruel universal amusement, but I have a particular additional reason to loathe the 'celebrations.'This years V-day was no exception, with my only possible Romeo in another country *POUT*
My birthday is two days before Valentine's Day, which means invariably anywhere I want to go is either booked out or chocked to the rafters with doe-eyed lovers who either staring dreamily into each others eyes or practically undressing each other.
This birthday was no exception, my girlfriends and I went to an Italian place in the Piazza and were shoved in a table upstairs with a few couples and a family merrily ignoring thier screaming kids so they could have a romantic meal on a night that wasn't a school night.
This wasn't too bad, after consumption of a few cocktails and a majority of a bottle of Merlot (2006 was a good year lol) all the background noise melted away and we had fun.
Possibly my worst ever Valentine's Day was on my 16th birthday. My best friend and her parents decided that we would go up to The Entrance and stay for the weekend. The day was a stinking hot one, lovely beach weather and we all ate a lovely picnic and swam about.
As the sun started to set we had fish and chips then decided to scamp off to find lodgings...
HAHA I think not! EVERY single motel, hotel, caravan park or camping site was totally booked out. So we, along with a dozen other cars parked on the side of the road for a blisteringly hot night sleeping in the car.
Super fun.
As an update, I am still having no sexy sex. Its all very boring and annoying in the way where you want to count how many days it has been since one last had sex... but I am persevering in my sex embargo.
Mused by
Agent Y
1 bees eaten
2/18/2008 11:10:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Non Sexy Sex, Valentines
Feb 17, 2008
My Somewhat Horrendous Valentine's Day
Fear not, Agent X, you don’t have to be married to be underwhelmed on Valentine’s.
Ah well. Shagged approximately five times this weekend, so I can’t really complain!
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
2/17/2008 07:00:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. let-downs, not quite right, ranting, Valentines
Feb 15, 2008
V Day- Hub-bee
Hub-bee went to footy training. Lame, unromantic. No flowers (which admittedly I DO think are way over priced for V Day), nothing.
Not that I really expected anything. We had Thai which we got take away from our fave local. (Yes, Blue Eschallot) and wine. Actually I drank most of the wine while hub-bee ironed his shirts. Yep, this is what you have to look forward to ladies. LOL
So we watched our "programs" which we had taped from the previous night, and when they finished we came back into the middle of "medical emergency" where they were doing gastric bypass surgery on a woman who weighed 400+kg (about 868 pounds I think, it was American).
SO Sexy. We were totally in the mood for sexy time after looking at a "super morbidly obese" woman, which appears to be the medical term for ultra fat chick.
In the end, we got over it and did have fabulous sex, which was good as Tall-Hunky-Groomsman-Bee's bucks and hens is this weekend and I won't see him until Sunday night now :( (Friday morn now)
So that was my underwhelming V Day.
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/15/2008 09:39:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Good times, Valentines