Usually I'd try to get all introspective on this... but I can't really be arsed at the moment.
I love Facebook, it's interesting to find out that you know someone that someone else knows too.
China Bee AKA Good Kisser Bee is Facebook friends with a girl I went to high school with who was now in Ireland.
Naturally I enquired with China Bee how he knew her, and he said they'd met when he was working at Wenty Leagues.
This satisfied my interests, she was a nice enough girl, a little weird and defiantly not in the cool group at school but that was all I needed to know.
As if by some sort of out of worldly coincidence I run into Irish Girl at Valleygirl. Of course the first thing that wants to escape my lips is to ask how she knows China Bee but I fight the good fight and persist with the meaningless small talk for a good four minuets before attacking. Turns out she and China Bee 'hooked up' last year.
At first the image was sort of her head on my body, non imaginative sort of way and then all of a sudden I have to look away from her as she speaks because its like ammunition for the porno which is rendering itself in my brain! ARGH
They say when you sleep with someone you have sex with everyone they have had sex with... well I wasn't prepared for one of them to have been someone I wasn't particularly fussed with six years ago.
And now I still have the image in my head.

Nov 29, 2007
Social Spying Utlity
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
11/29/2007 07:50:00 AM
Nov 17, 2007
Hear hear with the sleepiness! I have been guilty of this on more occasions than I care to own up to. It also reminded me of a topic I need some advice on! That is, how to recover when you go out on a sexy-limb and embarrass yourself...
Scenario, away on lurvly although freezing weekend away, but guilty of the tourist trap of running about all day trying to squeeze in as many attractions and museums as possible, and of course experience all the attendant fun. We return back to our hotel pad, with our awesomely comfy and large bed, and even a strategically placed large mirror at the foot of the bed. Tired after the long day, I decide that nonetheless, its a holiday dammit and that calls for some hot holiday sex. I sneak off to outfit myself in lacy red with suspenders and stockings and head out of the bathroom feeling damn sexy, and consequently pretty horny too. After a bit of a ta-da! I'm sexy now! entrance, I climb atop the bed only to be greeted by a Half Asleep-Bee and very tired set of eyes looking well, scared to death. I attempt a little playful encouragement only to be met by an apology about being too tired etc etc and much embarrassment for all. I of course run away back to change out of my outfit thoroughly disappointed and throw some PJs on and sneak back to bed for some ..ugghhh...sleep.
This was a little while ago so I can't remember much after that except the rest of the weekend away was a success and much fun was had. The problem now is that I'm a bit too freaked out to go there again and looking at my sexy undies now makes me remember the time and I'm not really up for even making the first move anymore:( So no adventure for me! We've done the sexy undies thing since then, which I am still a big fan of, I just don't trust my judgement unless its REALLY obvious now.....thoughts?
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
11/17/2007 04:02:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. Confusion, dilemmas, embarrassment, No Lovin
Nov 6, 2007
Anniversary lovin
So had very romantic anniversary weekend away. We went to the Hunter Valley and HubBee had organised champagne in the room when we arrived, it looked gorgeous!
So we proceeded to open the champagne, get tipsy and have fun drunken hotel room shag.
Saturday shamefully I got too pissed for bedroom action which was a decided shame as I'd bought new set of sexy knickers in a pinky-red fishnet style and was organised to slip into said knickers when we got back from dinner.
As we were in the Hunter, we spent all day tasting, and then when we finished with that we had a quick dip in the pool and spa (spa was disgusting and I can imagine if we'd tried to have spa-action I would have contracted all manner of disgustingness)
Then we went to the hotel bar for a pre-dinner cocktail and play a little pool, and I ordered a huge pink extremely toxic cocktail, with something like 5 shots in it (not realising of course, I thought it would be normal sized).
We played pool, went out to dinner and proceeded to drink another few glasses of wine, so much so that I almost fell asleep half way through the main course.
Needless to say I was beyond drowsy when we got back, and said knickers went back into the bag, I am determined to wear them again and surprise him though. Hopefully this week.
So Sunday morning (actual anniversary) couldn't go past the morning sexy-sex, which was great, and we discovered why the bed was so high off the floor (it really was crazy-high). hehehe.
Good weekend, grotesque happiness at love of HubBee, a year on.
So we proceeded to open the champagne, get tipsy and have fun drunken hotel room shag.
Saturday shamefully I got too pissed for bedroom action which was a decided shame as I'd bought new set of sexy knickers in a pinky-red fishnet style and was organised to slip into said knickers when we got back from dinner.
As we were in the Hunter, we spent all day tasting, and then when we finished with that we had a quick dip in the pool and spa (spa was disgusting and I can imagine if we'd tried to have spa-action I would have contracted all manner of disgustingness)
Then we went to the hotel bar for a pre-dinner cocktail and play a little pool, and I ordered a huge pink extremely toxic cocktail, with something like 5 shots in it (not realising of course, I thought it would be normal sized).
We played pool, went out to dinner and proceeded to drink another few glasses of wine, so much so that I almost fell asleep half way through the main course.
Needless to say I was beyond drowsy when we got back, and said knickers went back into the bag, I am determined to wear them again and surprise him though. Hopefully this week.
So Sunday morning (actual anniversary) couldn't go past the morning sexy-sex, which was great, and we discovered why the bed was so high off the floor (it really was crazy-high). hehehe.
Good weekend, grotesque happiness at love of HubBee, a year on.
Mused by
Agent X
1 bees eaten
11/06/2007 01:46:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. grotesque happiness, HOLIDAYS, let-downs, sexy sex
Nov 1, 2007
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
11/01/2007 04:28:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, not quite right
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