This is going to sound a little weird. But, ok.
You see, PVC has been learning how to hypnotise people. He's been downloading pirated hypnosis lessons and learning - it has been an interest of his for a while. At first I was pretty skeptical (particularly of anything ripped off the internet) but the first time he tried it on me it actually worked. It's like being extraordinarily relaxed, like just before you go to sleep. The theory is that the person hypnotising you can speak directly to your subconscious without your consciousness getting in the way. (He also has a kick arse massage chair, which helps. The technique he's using to hypnotise me is just speech - using words to relax you and lull you into a sort of trance. Amazing how simple it is... truly weird).
So. We'd done a couple of sessions, one of which focused on building my confidence, which I reckon actually worked. Like, visualisation type stuff - 'visualise your confidence as a colour blah blah'. And it leaves you feeling really relaxed with a clear head afterwards, which is also really good when you're stuck in Crazy Thesis World.
The third time he hypnotised me, he didn't tell me what we were doing, but he said I was going to like it.
He did the basic thing, and I got trancy and relaxed, like normal. Then, he did a similar sort of visualisation exercise as 'confidence', but, er, 'sexual energy'. It's a bit hard to describe, and particularly hard because I was the one being hypnotised, but it was like this buzzing feeling, like my skin was tingling all over. So as he kept talking (pretty simple and not particularly sexual words) this feeling just got stronger, like turning the dial from sensual to sexual, really intense. It was crazy, and I knew it was crazy, but it felt amazing! It got to the point where I felt like I was going to come (and I was still sitting relatively still in the chair, he wasn't touching me or anything), until, oh my god, I did come. Like, whole body orgasm. And that wasn't it! Then he just kept talking, and telling me that I was going to come on his command, and I freaking did. Like, he would tell me, and there was nothing I could do but obey. At least five times.
It was just this beautiful pure feeling, like sexuality undiluted by problems like body anxiety or feeling silly or worrying about the other person. Just total bliss. Absolutely incredible.
And the best thing was that when he brought me back I was unbelievably turned on. Like every single part of my skin was a sexual receptor. So we had sex in the massage chair, and again in his bed - and the physical intensity coupled with the fact that I'm off-my-face in love with this person, well it pretty much blew my mind. One of those 'I could die right now and I'd be ok with that' sort of nights.
I think I should marry this person.
Also, I might be going to New York with him for a week in December. His work is sending him and he asked if I wanted to come along. And I think, since I have nothing better to do, that I just might take him up on the offer.
...wait a second. I AM dead, aren't I? My head exploded sometime last week from over-exertion from Thesis Hell, right? You guys are just too polite to break it to me! But, if hell is this good, well I'm not complaining.

Oct 29, 2007
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
10/29/2007 09:04:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, grotesque happiness, sexy sex
Oct 7, 2007
Me and PVC
Oh, guys.
Went over to see PVC last night. Met up with him at a party with some of his old work friends, and ended up just talking to him while everyone else watched the rugby. Without it being some big serious conversation I mentioned to him how confused I was feeling about my life. We decided to talk about it back at his place (after racing each other back to Stanmore... he won).
When I got there PVC had decided to start chiseling the mouldy paint off the wall in the bathroom. (I have complained about the bathroom so many times that he cleaned the floor with disinfectant and now he's de-mouldifying the wall. I'm so touched!). Anyway I watched him scrape the wall for a really long time and then we had a shower and went to bed. We had sex, it was nice, (no orgasms on my part but I was pretty much too tired to care), and we started to go to sleep.
Then, halfway between sleep, somehow we started fucking again. It was this surreal, beautiful, incredible thing, you know sex that just happens, that you don't have to think about, and there was colour and warmth and it was like the walls were melting and there was nothing between us and the sky.
(I'm claiming my right to artistic licence here, ok?)
So I came about a million times and then when I was done I went down and blew him until he came for the 2nd time that night.
Then we were just lying there, off our faces with endorphins. We turned our faces to look at each other and he said "I love you." I said "I love you, too."
We talked until the sun came up, and finally got about 2 hours sleep in the morning.
When we woke up we just looked at each other and knew that everything was different. In a good way. He said "I had the best dream!"
Then we went to Ikea so he could buy things to make his house less like a hovel.
I feels, in this stupid cliched way, like my life is just starting.
Also, happy birthday Agent X! Woot!
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
10/07/2007 03:50:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Good times, grotesque happiness