Feb 27, 2007
Pussy ring?

Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/27/2007 02:15:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, not quite right
Feb 25, 2007
Check it out!
These shoes were on sale for $25! From a normal old shoe shop near my work. How awesome are they!
Just wanted to show off.
Mused by
Agent Z
1 bees eaten
2/25/2007 11:32:00 PM
Feb 23, 2007
Balcony lovin' ~~~
Ooh we had hot balcony lovin last night, finally!
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/23/2007 12:45:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. sexy sex
Feb 19, 2007
Lewd Lesbian Lovin'
I think the title pretty much sums it up.
After all my complaining, I finally got laid. I didn't think it would be with a chick but hey. It was quality!
My weekend of course started with Hellfire. I thought it would be difficult to get my tits for all the world to see (for benefit of Agent V - I went with these black and red felt stars glued over my nipples. Can send pics if people are curious. I considered it a good look. Tasteful, y'know.) but no. I nearly left the house without my coat!!
Our night included podium dancing with leather-clad men, general dancing (more fun with boobs out I tell you), me getting tied to a frame and whipped but guy wearing leather skirt that featured his bum hanging out of (bum hanging guy was total freak but good whipper) and me falling instantly in love with this beautiful guy with long black hair and a real flair with a crop. I managed to catch his eye and we smiled (I believe we shared a 'moment') but unfortunately he was with a bunch of people who left fairly early. He also appeared to be with some chick (very hot and amazing boobs dammit) so bah. Anyway, I got out of my shell and met new people and was merry and such, it was great. And great cos I trust my Girlfriend Bee and she looks after me in these situations - makes sure no one takes advantage of me (in a bad way). Will have to get my boobs out more often methinks!
We were too tired for lovin that night but the following afternoon we had some time to kill so Girlfriend Bee hogtied me. Which led to her touching me up. Which led to her going down on me and me coming my brains out. (Yes, I have gone for the classier spelling there. We are, after all, classy ladies). Then she rolled me over and sat on my face. Also fun ;)
Then, birthday celebrations. Sorry could not talk about this at said birthday celebrations but was a bit difficult to gloat considering Girlfriend Bee was there. ("Heeeeey! Guess who scored!!") Had piles of fun dancing like maniac and talking to Long Hair Bee #2. Who is this guy and why have I not been informed there is a pretty/weird-in-a-kinda-endearing-way guy wandering around with lovely long hair? Hmm??
Went home, again too tired for naughtiness. But next day had awesome giant breakfast at Westfield (the scenic tour of Sydney) and then checked out the local sex shop I had always been curious about. Girlfriend Bee bought two (count them) strap-ons. And can you believe I was still so naive at this point I didn't think she'd be using them on me??
Flatmate Bee goes out for the day. Girlfriend Bee and I again have time to kill. So she ties me up again but this time does me from behind with a strap on. (And her 'cock' was on the larger side! I am still sore!!) We also tried missionary, which was also very, very hot. Then she put it on me so she could ride me (me on my back). I can appreciate now how awesome a position that is for a guy - just lie back and enjoy the sex - no wonder so many of my lazy ex-boyfriends kept insisting on that one.
This went on for a couple of hours.
I drove her to the airport that night and we kissed goodbye - right there at the car drop off point in front of everyone. People stared. It was funny.
So, in conclusion, for someone who defines herself as 'straight' I appear to have had sex with women more times now than is purely accidental or experimental. I guess I'd say I'm about 20% bi. But ultimately still like boys, don't know why but they spin my wheels even though they're mostly all crap. Especially if they have long hair...
Incidentally, for anyone who has been following my Myspace Bee saga - I now have a satisfactory answer as to why we can't meet. We spoke online last night and basically it comes down to a long dark drug past which he is still getting over and doesn't want to expose me to. Which is very considerate of him. (Men - I sure know how to pick 'em, eh?) It's a real shame cos I really like him. But perhaps am only intrigued by the mystery of it all. That and he is a millionaire who owns four cars including a Porche. (!!!)
Anyway, I'm happy. And shagged. And a lesbian, aparently. Thought I'd share :)
Mused by
Agent Z
1 bees eaten
2/19/2007 10:24:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. lesbian adventures, Oh so wrong but oh so right, sexy sex
Feb 16, 2007
*fanning self* I implore you to read this blog Dirtyspoke.
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/16/2007 09:26:00 AM
.:. LABELS .:. sexy sex
Feb 15, 2007
Holy macaroni! I know the cardinal rule is not to mention dissatisfaction whilst you're still actually IN bed, but the point is, if I've actually pointed it out, I want the situation fixed! Pah. Can't remember after that. Must have fallen asleep. Much frustration. I guess thats why everyone hates Valentines day!! Mine was moments away from being 100% perfect! And instead I am super grumpy-girl today. I woke up and DreamBee looks at me and says - are you still mad at me? With puppy dog eyes. The problem is I'm not mad, I'm..? I don't know! But it ain't good. Grumble. Big grumble.
In other news, how was the warming?
x Agent Vee for Valentines' Vipes
PS I forgot to mention that the good morning blow-job means that he came twice in one day whilst I am still out of commission. Perhaps that is adding to my grumbles? I think Yes.
Mused by
Agent Z
bees eaten
2/15/2007 08:15:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Valentines
Feb 14, 2007
Of all the gin joints
Space is big, really big and like other large empty spaces it collects a bit of rubbish, space junk from various Apollo missions and land fill jettisoned into space.
Like outer space, cyber space is infinitely huge. You can do everything online, buy clothes, shoes, the Hollywood sign, food, talk to people from the other side of the world and date people without bellowing over pub music. But it’s also when I discovered the cyber space dating junk!
Deciding to consider a sortie into internet dating wasn’t that hard, without having to join up I could go window shopping for potentials all while sitting in my pj’s!
Then I saw them. Not one skeleton in the cupboard but two!
And one of them StandUp Bee! The outrage! !!!
Looking at his ad, it looks like some disgruntled ex (not me) has hacked his account and rewritten his profile. That or, he IS incredibly screwed up and has the self esteem of a bison.
The second one is BestFriendsEx Bee. With whom I had a one night stand with his friend in his living room (not my finest hour clearly), and then last year (or maybe the year before??) had a fling with another of his mates RedHead Bee.
After some deliberation and then reconsideration I’ve posted the DropKick Bees photos which have been blurred to protect the not so innocent.
Mused by
Agent Y
bees eaten
2/14/2007 05:40:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Dating Wonderland, misc, ranting
Rape Comic?
Mused by
Agent X
bees eaten
2/14/2007 04:50:00 PM
.:. LABELS .:. Freaky, not quite right